Vinyasa, L2, (57min): Recorded 11/15/22

Vinyasa, L2, (57min): Recorded 11/15/22

Vinysasa, 57- Minute Sequence: Variation of Sun C Salutations and Half Moon Pose. Inspired by Sri Dharma Mitra. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks & Yoga Strap Recorded 11/15/22...
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Vinyasa for Shoulder Mobility (50min): Recorded 11/10/22

Vinyasa for Shoulder Mobility (50min): Recorded 11/10/22

Vinyasa Sequence for Shoulders and Upper Back, 50-Minutes: Opening Shoulder Stretches with Flow Salutations to open the chest and mobilize the body.  Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks Recorded 11/10/22...
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Vinyasa, Level 1/2 (60min): Recorded 11/3/22

Vinyasa, Level 1/2 (60min): Recorded 11/3/22

Vinyasa, Level 1/Level 2 Sequence, 60-Minute Session: Sun A and Sun B Salutations, Shoulder Mobility, Stretching and Ending Breathing Exercises. Recommended Props: Yoga Strap and Yoga Blocks Recorded: 11/3/22...
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Vinyasa (58min) Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back: Recorded 11/1/22

Vinyasa (58min) Neck, Shoulders, Upper Back: Recorded 11/1/22

Vinyasa, 58-Minute Sequence: Opening Neck Stretches and Nerve Glides, Release of Upper Back.  Sun A, Sun B and Sun C Salutations Recommended Props: Yoga Strap and Yoga Blocks Recorded 11/1/22...
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Vinyasa, Level 2 (55min): Recorded 10/27/22

Vinyasa, Level 2 (55min): Recorded 10/27/22

Vinyasa, Level 2, 55-Minute Sequence: Sun A, B, C, Stretching and Strengthening, Balancing Sequence Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks Recorded 10/27/22...
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Vinyasa (60min) Slow Flow & Deep Stretch: Recorded 10/25/22

Vinyasa (60min) Slow Flow & Deep Stretch: Recorded 10/25/22

Vinyasa, 60-Minute Slow Flow Sequence with Deep Stretches: Wrist and Ankle Stretches, Sun C and Sun B Salutations, Targeting Hip Strength and Mobility. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks Recorded 10/25/22...
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Vinyasa (55min): Recorded 10/20/22

Vinyasa (55min): Recorded 10/20/22

Vinyasa, 55-Minute Sequence: Sun C Salutations, Balancing Poses, Spine Strength, 1/2 Lotus and Lotus Poses, Breath Counts. Recommended Props: Yoga Strap and Yoga Blocks Recorded 10/20/22...
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Vinyasa- Level 1/2 (60min) Shoulders/Upper Body: Recorded 10/13/22

Vinyasa- Level 1/2 (60min) Shoulders/Upper Body: Recorded 10/13/22

Vinyasa, Level 1/2, 60-Minute Sequence: Warm up with Core Strengthening, Sun A and Sun B Salutations, Stretching and Closing Pranayama to include Kapalabhati and 4-7-8 Breathing. Recommended Props: Yoga Strap and Yoga...
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Vinyasa, Level 2 (55min): Recorded 10/11/22

Vinyasa, Level 2 (55min): Recorded 10/11/22

Vinyasa, Level 2, 55- Minute Sequence: Flow Salutations, Balancing Pose, Core Strength and Deep Stretches. Recommended Props : Yoga Blocks and Yoga Strap Recorded: 10/11/22...
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Vinyasa, Level 2 (60min): Recorded 10/6/22

Vinyasa, Level 2 (60min): Recorded 10/6/22

Vinyasa, Level 2 Sequence, 60-Minutes: Opening and Closing Meditation, Chaturanga Strengthening Routine which includes Sun A and Sun C, Spine Strengthening.  Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks Recorded 10/6/22...
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Vinyasa- Level 2 "Chaturanga & Upper Back"- 10/4/22

Vinyasa- Level 2 "Chaturanga & Upper Back"- 10/4/22

Vinyasa, Level 2, "Chaturanga Dandasana": 60-Minute Vinyasa Sequence to help build a strong Chaturanga Dandasana (four-limbed staff pose), along with hip stretching and mobility. Slow flow. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks and...
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Vinyasa- Level 2 (60min): Recorded 9/29/22

Vinyasa- Level 2 (60min): Recorded 9/29/22

Vinyasa, Level 2, 60min Sequence: Sun C Salutations with Warrior Poses, Arm Balancing and Strengthening, Stretching and closing Kapalabhati and Bastrika Breathing. Props Needed: Yoga Strap and Yoga Blocks Recorded 9/29/22...
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Vinyasa for Hip Mobility (60min) Recorded 9/27/22

Vinyasa for Hip Mobility (60min) Recorded 9/27/22

Vinyasa for Hip Mobility, 60-Minute Sequence: Sun A and Sun C, Long Holds and Deep Hip Stretches. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks and Yoga Strap Recorded 9/27/22...
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Vinyasa w/Mat Pilates Movements, (44min): Recorded 9/22/22

Vinyasa w/Mat Pilates Movements, (44min): Recorded 9/22/22

Vinyasa Sequence with Mat Pilates Movements, 44-Minutes: Sun A, Sun C, and Sun D Salutations with Core Work and Hip Work. Stretching and Legs up the Wall for Calming. Recorded 9/22/22...
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Vinyasa, Level 2 (55min) Recorded 9/15/22

Vinyasa, Level 2 (55min) Recorded 9/15/22

Vinyasa, 55-Minute Sequence: Sun A, B, C, Strength building sequence, Balancing Poses, Spine Mobility, Stretching and Close with Sitali Breathing and 4-7-8 Breathing. Recorded 9/15/22...
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Vinyasa- Intermediate (55min) Recorded 9/13/22

Vinyasa- Intermediate (55min) Recorded 9/13/22

Vinyasa, Level 2, Intermediate Sequence, 55-Minutes: Sun A, B, C, Begin with Kapalbhati breathing and end with Alternate Nostril Breathing, Deep Hip Stretches. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks Recorded 9/13/22...
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Vinyasa- Level 2 (52min) Recorded 9/8/22

Vinyasa- Level 2 (52min) Recorded 9/8/22

Vinyasa, Level 2, 52-Minute Sequence: Sun A, B, C, D, Hip Mobility and Strength, Spine Mobility and Deep Stretches. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks Recorded 9/8/22...
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Vinyasa, Level 2 (60min): Recorded 9/6/22

Vinyasa, Level 2 (60min): Recorded 9/6/22

Vinyasa, Level 2 Sequence: Sun A, B, C and balancing postures. Deep Stretching and end with Sitali Breathing and Alternate Nostril Breathing. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks and Yoga Strap Recorded 9/6/22...
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Vinyasa- Level 2- (50min): Recorded 9/1/22

Vinyasa- Level 2- (50min): Recorded 9/1/22

Vinyasa, Level 2, 50-Minute Sequence: Sun A, Sun C, Warrior Poses and Deep Hip Stretches. Recorded 9/1/22...
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Vinyasa- "Hip Mobility": Recorded 8/30/22

Vinyasa- "Hip Mobility": Recorded 8/30/22

Vinyasa Sequence for Hip Mobility: Variation of Moon Salutations and Sun C, Deep Hip Stretching and Mobility, Spine Mobility and Stretching. Recorded 8/30/22...
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Vinyasa- Hip Flexors (55min): Recorded 8/25/22

Vinyasa- Hip Flexors (55min): Recorded 8/25/22

Vinyasa, Level 2, (55min): Sun A, B, C, Core Work, Spine Strength, Hip Opening and Stretching, Legs up the Wall, Stretching, Alternate Nostril Breathing. Recorded 8/25/22...
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Vinyasa (44min): Recorded 8/23/22

Vinyasa (44min): Recorded 8/23/22

Vinyasa (44min): Sun A, B, and C, Reclined Splits, Spine Strength and Mobility. End with Kapalbhati and Bastrika Breathing. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks and Yoga Strap Recorded 8/23/22...
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Vinyasa (60min), Level 2: Recorded 8/18/22

Vinyasa (60min), Level 2: Recorded 8/18/22

Vinyasa, Level 2: (60min) Sun A and Sun B, Balancing Sequence and Deep Hip and Psoas Stretches. End with Alternate Nostril Breathing. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks and Yoga Strap Recorded 8/18/22...
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Vinyasa Yoga (60min)- Level 2, Twists: Recorded 8/16/22

Vinyasa Yoga (60min)- Level 2, Twists: Recorded 8/16/22

Vinyasa, Level 2 Sequence (60min): Sun A, B, C and Ghosh Sun Salutation, Deep Stretches, Crow Pose, Splits and Pigeon. Finish the practice with Sitali Breathing and Kapalbhati Breathing. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks and...
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Vinyasa Yoga (58mi) Level 2: Recorded 8/11/22

Vinyasa Yoga (58mi) Level 2: Recorded 8/11/22

Vinyasa, Level 2- 58 Minute Sequence: Sun A, B, C...Movement through Warrior Poses, Hip Stretches, Prep for Full Cobra Pose, Strengthening with Blocks, Crow and Crane Pose, end with Sitali and Kapalbhati Breathing. Props...
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Vinyasa Yoga (55min): Recorded 8/9/22

Vinyasa Yoga (55min): Recorded 8/9/22

Vinyasa Yoga, 55-minute Sequence: Sun A, B, C, and D including strengthening poses and classic yoga seated poses including half lotus and lotus pose.  Recorded 8/9/22...
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Vinyasa (55min) w/Mat Pilates- Recorded 8/4/22

Vinyasa (55min) w/Mat Pilates- Recorded 8/4/22

Vinyasa Sequence with Mat Pilates (55min): Sun A, B, C, Warrior Poses, Balancing Sequence, Spine Strengthening and Abdominal and Core Strengthening. Recorded 8/4/22...
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Vinyasa- Breath Focus and Slow Movements: Recorded 8/2/22

Vinyasa- Breath Focus and Slow Movements: Recorded 8/2/22

Vinyasa, Level 2, 55-Minutes: Focus on Breathing, Sun Salutations, Stretching and Strengthening of Shoulders. Recommended Props: Yoga Blocks Recorded 8/2/22...
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Vinyasa, L2 (60min): Slow Flow: Recorded 7/28/22

Vinyasa, L2 (60min): Slow Flow: Recorded 7/28/22

Vinyasa, Level 2 (60min): Slow Flow with Shoulder Stretches: Sun A, B, C Variation, Reclined Tree Pose, Shoulder stand, Alternate Nostril Breathing. Recommended Prop: Yoga Blocks Recorded 7/28/22...
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Vinyasa (57min) Shoulders & Chest Opening: Recorded 7/26/22

Vinyasa (57min) Shoulders & Chest Opening: Recorded 7/26/22

Vinyasa (57min), Level 2, Shoulders and Chest Opening Sequence- Sun A, B, C, Stretching and Strengthening. Props Needed: Yoga strap and Yoga Blocks Recorded 7/26/22...
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