A Moment of Presence

A Moment of Presence

A common cause of human suffering is the incessantly thinking mind. Many of our thoughts when observed, are not necessary for our daily functioning. They mostly serve as distractions and hinder our potential to be in the moment.

As we perform an activity, we can practice being in the moment without running stories that do not pertain to the task at hand. The stories usually involve planning, worrying, and obsessing about our challenges or conflicts with people around us.

The reason many of us cherish our yoga practice is that it helps create space mentally and to focus on the movement of our bodies and our breath. It is valuable, necessary, and a welcome reprieve for our "monkey minds".

Yoga and meditation classes reinforce our presence practice.

The following is an additional exercise that can be incorporated into your daily routine.

1. Choose one brief activity that you do every single day. This activity could be as simple as making morning coffee or tea, putting on shoes, or walking up the stairs.

2. Practice complete presence during this brief and easy activity with no thought about anything other than the actual activity being performed. Focus your mind on the activity, feel your breath, and be in the moment, completely aware.

3. Try to do this at least once a day and increase it up to three times a day. You will notice that it becomes easier for you to stay conscious and aware throughout your day and ultimately through daily living.

This practice alone will help you stay in the present moment and practice not thinking. Try not to pick an activity that takes longer than a minute. Thought is useful to get things done in our lives, but it can be addictive and toxic when we become consumed by the thinking mind without any rest.

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