Balance in Daily Life
Balance in Daily Life

Balance in Daily Life
Mindfulness is an integral part of our yoga and meditation practice. What does mindfulness mean? Mindfulness is the state of being conscious. Being completely conscious takes work for many of us who are stuck in habitual thinking patterns. Consciousness allows us to detach from our judgmental and sometimes negative thinking and transition us into the natural and balanced approach to processing daily life.
In the state of pure consciousness, we are living in the present moment with no identification with labels, ideas and belief systems. When we identify with our reactionary belief systems, we tend to not be in the present moment. We respond from our state of "past thinking" which many times dictates our present moment experience. Our yoga practice brings balance to our mental state by moving our attention to the body and away from the mind. Yoga practice teaches us to acknowledge sensations as it is in the present moment and allow for the discomfort. The discomfort should not be pain, but we learn to get comfortable with a little discomfort. This practice strengthens us and usually transitions into acceptance and appreciation. Use your practice to bring your attention to the body's sensations, to help transition you away from habitual thinking, judging, critiquing and competing mind and allow the experience to bring you back to the reality of your conscious self, your deeper self which is your true self.